Work // Web Design Projects

Custom and freelance web design projects from over the years

Kongregate Developers' Site

2017 - Web design

A simple website showcasing Kongregate’s mobile games portfolio. The goals for the site were to showcase the best games, communicate the mission and values, and separate the group’s two sides of the business - Publishing and Platform. Each of these sides are divided in the layout, Publishing on the left, Platform on the right, to visually organize the information respectively.

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Set Top Box UI/UX Concept

Visual Design, UI/UX Design

A concept project for a set top box for games. It was the first time I had designed for a TV interface and was a great learning experience using a completely different navigational method, using mostly up/down/left/right buttons. Many of the screens were browsing lists of games, so we explored different layouts to best showcase and navigate them. We went with heavy imagery for individual game screens, with easy to read pieces of information. We also worked with an interaction agency to create smooth transitions between screens, selections, and components.

We worked with an Interaction/Animation agency for page transitions and UI flow.

Kongregate Blog

2015 - Web design

With learning and expertise built from years of experience and data gathered working with game developers in improving their games, Kongregate wanted a place to house blog posts written by members of the teams. Articles and filterable by tags and authors. The design is built as a custom template into the blogging platform, Ghost.

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Kongregate Developers' Site

2015 - Web design

A clean design primarily to outline services and value that the Kongregate Publishing team can bring to indie developers looking for a publisher for their game. Sections and modules of the site highlight the company blog posts and more information about different initiatives and funds that the group offers, for example, Launchpad - an incubator program for innovative gameplay.